How will Friday the 13th and a full moon affect you?

By Karla Sullivan

Why is Friday the 13th considered a day of gloom and doom; one that requires a great majority of us to stay in bed?

Historically, there are a few who have heard that it is a Dutch holiday of children desecrating graves. Some feel it is the day associated with the Last Supper of Jesus where thirteen people had attended; Judas, who betrayed Jesus, being the last guest.  In fact, research has demonstrated that Friday and the number 13 is associated with a variety of unlucky events. For Christians, Friday alone represents the crucifixion of Jesus. In fact the number 13 in the Bible correlates to many evil interpreted events. Friday the 13 was supposedly the day Eve took a bite of the apple….the beginnings of human folly.

In modern times, Apollo 13 that launched into space on the thirteenth day of the month, was a disaster waiting to happen. The evening of April 13 (EST), the crew of Apollo 13 had just finished a television broadcast explaining their mission. Commander Jim Lovell closed the broadcast with this message letting the world know that everything was going well, wishing everyone to have a great evening.  And, unfortunately, the television networks had decided that traveling to the moon was so routine that they decided not to broadcast it live. No one expected the problems the astronauts experienced and when the life-threatening events began, TV watchers couldn’t get enough of the news.

Construction companies and architects skipped the thirteenth floor because it was considered bad luck to build one and superstitutions continued. However, there is no scientific evidence that Friday, the 13th is unlucky. Though, one pointed out that traffic fatalities were higher.

And now what about the full moon that will be coinciding with this day in question tomorrow?

The full moon arrives once every month and astrologists claim that as the moon cycles from new to full, we all seem a little bit off. Many have claimed that the full moon brings out violence,strange behavior. and studies do suggest that the full moon exerts gravitational pull on earth tides as well as our bodies; our bodies which are 80% water. Hospitals have seen an increase in emergency room visits and pets have bitten more often during the full moon. Maybe there really are werewolves out there?

Regardless of whether some believe this is a day of reckoning or not, it won’t happen again until 2049 so depending on your belief it may be a day as usual, a day of celebration, TGIF, or a day of horror on what you decide since facts are sketchy. Ultimately, the real reality lies with you and your decisions. Perceiving every day as a positive opportunity will defy any bleak legend.

It may be a great day to make sure that you are protected from natures catastrophic events that can’t be controlled, a drunk driver or a unsuspecting medical condition to be on the safe side. It may be a great day to make sure you and your family have the best coverage in auto, home and life insurance.


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