Cameras in cars keep an eye on teen drivers

insurance for teen driversA program offered by Wisconsin-based auto insurance company American Family Insurance  installs cameras in vehicles driven by teenagers, and may be having a significant positive effect on behavior behind the wheel, according to tech news site CNET.

The camera is not on all the time, however. CNET reports the system is only activated when sensors in the vehicle detect hard braking or swerving, in the hopes of catching teens exhibiting risky driving behavior.

The benefit, according to the tech news site, is twofold. First, having a camera mounted in the car puts new drivers on notice that they are being monitored, encouraging safer operating habits. Additionally, the cameras can provide evidence for parents of teens who persist in driving recklessly, allowing them to levy punishments or teach lessons about safety behind the wheel. CNET also notes that all new vehicles will need to be equipped with monitoring systems that record crash data by 2013.

Teen drivers frequently have among the highest auto insurance rates of any age group, but some policies offer various discounts, including those for academic achievement and demonstrated safety while driving.

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