National Health Service in U.K. Continues to Deteriorate

National Health Service in U.K. Continues to Deteriorate

By Linda Gorman, reprinted from Health Care News, Heartland Institute The United Kingdom’s single-payer health care system provides an important model, and cautionary tale, for those who advocate such a system in the United States. Over the Christmas holidays, the waits for emergency care in the British National Health Service (NHS) reached what the nation’s press called “crisis” levels. Compared to 2013, twice as many ambulances had more than 30 minute waits outside of overcrowded…

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New year brings new health care laws

New year brings new health care laws

New provisions of the Affordable Care Act will be implemented in 2011, which may have an effect on life insurance premiums for some Medicare recipients.

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Suits against Blue Cross offers glimpse into reform problems

Suits against Blue Cross offers glimpse into reform problems

A small Michigan battle with the state’s dominant insurer and a major hospital is being watched by insurance companies, federal regulators and consumer advocates, who say it provides a glimpse into why it is so difficult to rein in insurance and healthcare costs.

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