Tiny explosions could cause cancer, study finds

Tiny explosions could cause cancer, study finds

The genetic damage which can result in cells not dying at their appointed time and building up into tumors may be caused in some cases by a minuscule explosion in a single cell, which spreads fragments of DNA over a significant distance, according to research in the medical journal Cell.

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South Dakota votes against smoking

South Dakota votes against smoking

Those who smoke are frequently faced with an array of health conditions and higher life insurance premiums as a result. Medical professionals have long linked the habit to increased risks of cancer and lung disease.

Those who smoke aren’t the only ones affected by cigarettes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 50,000 deaths per year can be attributed to second-hand smoke. Despite this, hundreds of people start smoking every day in the U.S.

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Environmental cancer risk is higher than believed

Environmental cancer risk is higher than believed

A new study shows that environmental factors play a much larger role in the development of cancer than researchers previously believed. Findings from the President’s Cancer Panel reveals that most avoidable cancers may be caused by pollution, common household products and even cell phones.

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