That’s scary! When insurance takes a bad turn

That’s scary! When insurance takes a bad turn

Where’s my health insurance? You’re raising my rate by how much? Sometimes insurance issues take us by surprise. We’ve rounded up some real-life situations where insurance took a scary turn. What nerve: Employers secretly cancel the company health insurance. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and sometimes employers will stop paying their group health insurance and fail to inform employees. “We have had cases where the employee goes to the doctor and is told that…

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Health insurance and food safety

Health insurance and food safety

Foodborne outbreaks are scary and unfortunately more common than we think. There is nothing worse than not knowing if your next meal may land you a stay in the hospital. Long-term effects of foodborne pathogensWhile healthy adults often recover from foodborne illnesses, children infected by these pathogens are at the most risk of developing serious long-term, debilitating illnesses. Campylobacter: Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) E. coli 0157:H7: Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), leading cause of kidney failure in…

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Obamanomics: It’s Worse Than You Think

Obamanomics: It’s Worse Than You Think

GUEST EDITORIAL By Joseph Bast, The Heartland Institute Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act … all 3,256 pages of it … into law on March 23, 2010. Most of the provisions don’t go into effect until 2014, but some of the taxes to fund it started immediately. By counting ten years of revenues and only six years of expenses, the administration was able to claim it will reduce the federal debt over…

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New health insurance services offered to women

New health insurance services offered to women

New federal guidelines that will ensure women receive preventive health services, including birth control, with no out-of-pocket costs are being applauded by women’s groups as an important step toward improved health of women and children and criticized by an insurance trade group, which warns the guidelines could result in significantly higher costs for coverage. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced that beginning Aug. 1, 2012, new health insurance plans would be required to…

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The 10 Most Common Services declined by health insurers

The 10 Most Common Services declined by health insurers

As health care costs continue to climb, an increasing number of companies are passing more costs onto their employees. So even if you have a job that provides health insurance, you need to be a savvy consumer when assessing and selecting a plan. Just because you’re insured, it doesn’t mean that every procedure and service you might need is covered. Each plan is different, and while most plans cover basic health care services such as…

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Obesity and smoking has stalled U.S. life expectancy gains

Obesity and smoking has stalled U.S. life expectancy gains

In comparison to other developed nations, America’s overall life expectancy is growing slowly, a study from the National Research Council recently found.

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