What will you die of…today?

What will you die of…today?

The 1957 Popular Science article “What Will You Die Of?” said the average 45-year-old American is “about the luckiest man alive—just because he is alive.” It then went on to say that odds of that same American living until he was 65 were just one in three. In the years following this article, major medical advancements unfolded: The Internet was discovered and utilized as an important communicative tool; the first heart bypass surgery was performed…

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East Texas known as ‘Stroke Belt’ for its unhealthy culture

East Texas known as ‘Stroke Belt’ for its unhealthy culture

A county-by-county survey by the University of Washington found that with an average life expectancy of 73, residents die 7 years earlier in Anderson County than the rest of the state, the newspaper said. The county is plagued by high occurrences of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancers that have all resulted from poor lifestyle choices, causing many to dub this region of Texas the “Stroke Belt.”

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