Top 10 “Crazy” Motorcycle and Auto Insurance Claims

Top 10 “Crazy” Motorcycle and Auto Insurance Claims

Not all auto insurance claims that come across an adjuster’s or investigator’s desk are typical and mundane. There’s always the scammer to watch out for—some more creative or outrageous than others—that cost insurance companies tens of millions of dollars a year. There’s the occasional bizarre incident that no one could possibly have conjured up on their own.  And then there are the excuses—some lame, some hysterical—that have insurers shaking their heads and rolling over in…

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Does it cost more to insure an electric car?

Does it cost more to insure an electric car?

You open the door, climb in and settle behind the steering wheel. Everything about this car feels familiar. It even has that new car smell. You buckle your safety belt and start the engine, waiting for the roar of cylinders. Instead, there is a strange silence.
Welcome to the electric car and a new age of driving.

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Spending more on snacks and beer rather than auto insurance?

Spending more on snacks and beer rather than auto insurance?

In this tight economy consumers on average still manage to spend more on the things they like such as pizza and booze rather than the things they need such as auto insurance.

Americans spend a combined $329 billion on pizza, beer and spirits while shelling out a mere $159 billion a year on auto insurance.

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Report: Customers are more satisfied with bundled insurance policies

Report: Customers are more satisfied with bundled insurance policies

Bundling home and auto insurance may lead to greater satisfaction among consumers, according to a recent report from J.D. Power and Associates.

The ratings firm’s 2010 U.S. National Homeowners Insurance Study found that consumers who combined these types of policies were generally more satisfied with their coverage. This was especially true for member of Generation Y, who were born between 1977 and 1994.

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