Three methods to increase disability income benefits

Three methods to increase disability income benefits

Since the primary reason for purchasing a disability income insurance policy is to replace any income that may be lost due to a disability, it’s imperative to have an adequate amount of coverage in place before a disability occurs.

Edward E. Graves, author of “McGill’s Life Insurance” says there are three methods a non-disabled person can employ to make sure their benefits are enough to support their income prior to a disability. The general rule of thumb is if you received a raise or your expenses have increased, so should your benefits.

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What situations warrant individual disability insurance?

What situations warrant individual disability insurance?

Without a crystal ball, there’s no way of knowing what the future holds when it comes to a personal disability. Even so, there are known situations where owning an individual disability income policy is recommended.

Disability income insurance replaces a large portion of your income in the event you become sick or disabled and are unable to pay your bills.

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