Gender Inequality & Insurance

Gender Inequality & Insurance

Gender does matter— especially when it comes to insurance. Whose rates are higher? And is it justified?

The process of determining premiums based on gender is known as gender rating, and it has its critics. Here are several examples of how gender impacts your insurance rates.

Women’s life insurance rates are lower because they statistically live longer than men.

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I don’t have Maternity Health Insurance Coverage… Now what?

I don’t have Maternity Health Insurance Coverage… Now what?

When you’re expecting a baby, time should be spent deciding on baby names and prepping the nursery—not stressing about how you’re going to pay medical bills.

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NEW YORK doctor launches healthy eating campaign

NEW YORK doctor launches healthy eating campaign

A growing number of consumers may find themselves defying the nation’s obesity trend and enjoying longer and healthier lives with help from information about how to follow a proper diet

This is because many chronic health conditions – especially heart disease and diabetes – can be averted in a large portion of the population simply by being more careful about meal and snacking choices. Failure to do so can carry many consequences, from higher life insurance premiums to serious medical expenses and even hospitalization.

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